Get Mycroft

Want to give Mycroft a try? Mycroft is open source software that runs where you want it to, whether it’s on your own hardware or one of our dedicated devices.

You can purchase a dedicated Mycroft device, or download Mycroft and run it on your own hardware, be it a Raspberry Pi, computer, or an Android phone.


You can download Mycroft and run it on your own hardware, be it a Raspberry Pi, computer, or an Android phone.


Picroft is specifically packaged to run on a Raspberry Pi 3 or 3B+. It is built on top of the official Raspbian Stretch Lite and is available as a disk image ready to be burned to a Micro SD card. For Mycroft to hear you and respond to you, just connect a speaker and a USB microphone to your Pi.


Mycroft for Linux

If you are a technical user, run Mycroft on your favorite Linux distro, including Ubuntu/Debian, Arch, Fedora. Install it using either a shell script or a standalone installer.


Windows and Mac

We’re not quite ready to release Mycroft natively for Windows and macOS. If you are keen to help and have technical experience on these platforms, please let us know!

However you can run Mycroft on MacOS and Windows inside a virtual machine using VirtualBox.

Mac OS and Windows with VirtualBox

Mycroft for Docker

Run Mycroft in a Docker container. This can be installed using our pre-built image from Docker Hub, or by building the image manually.


Mycroft for Android

Build Mycroft in Android Studio and deploy to your Android devices. We have source code available if you’re comfortable with Android Studio and have the skill set to compile this into an .apk and load onto an Android device.


Buy a device

Get a dedicated device, a voice assistant with no hassles. Plug in, connect to WiFi and go.

Mark II

The Mark II is our next-generation smart speaker designed for you and your family, whatever your level of technical expertise. At the same time, it is open hardware and software for developers, makers and hackers.

Mark II

Mark 1

Mark 1 is a no-fuss way to get started. It has been designed specifically to work with Mycroft’s capabilities as a standalone device. Great for those who aren’t super technical, but it can be easily extended, altered, modified, and hacked.

The Mark 1 is currently sold out.

Mark 1

Last updated