
If you are having problems with your device and would like to share the system logs with the Mycroft team you can enable remote logging. This includes your Mycroft logs that will include utterances spoken to the device and responses spoken by Mycroft.

Viewing your Mycroft logs

Mycroft Dinkum uses the Linux standard journald for logging. So to see logs for all services from today you would use the command:

journalctl -u dinkum-* --since=today

or to see a live feed of logs as they are being generated:

journalctl -u dinkum-* -f

You can also see logs for each specific service by running one of the following:

journalctl -u dinkum-audio.service -f
journalctl -u dinkum-enclosure.service -f
journalctl -u dinkum-gui.service -f
journalctl -u dinkum-hal.service -f
journalctl -u dinkum-intent.service -f
journalctl -u dinkum-messagebus.service -f
journalctl -u dinkum-skills.service -f
journalctl -u dinkum-voice.service -f

Turn on remote logging

  1. Shutdown the device and plug the usb into a computer

  2. In the pvboot partition, edit cmdline.txt change the final




Find your Device ID

The fastest way for us to find your device is by the device-id. To get this, login to the main mycroft container:

ssh -p 8222 mycroft@$IPADDRESS

Then print out your device-id using the following command:

sudo cat /pantavisor/device-id 

Device ID from USB

Plug the USB drive into your computer and find the pvroot partition - the path of this partition is represented below as $PVROOT_MOUNT_POINT. To get your device-id run:

sudo grep "" $PVROOT_MOUNT_POINT/logs/current/pantavisor/pantavisor.log\How do I report a problem?

How do I report a problem?

Please visit our Support portal.

To ensure that the problem is handled by the appropriate team member/department, select which type of support you are seeking in the drop down menu, input your contact email, name and a description of the problem.

My Mark II won't wake up to my voice - what do I do?

  1. Try the Action button (the large one in the middle of the top). By default, pressing that is the same as saying the Wake Word.

  2. Try enunciating more clearly.

  3. Try using a false "lower pitch voice"

  4. 4. Try speaking more loudly, or moving closer to the Mark II.

Of course, none of these should be necessary. But if any of these work, then please let us know! We are always looking to improve the performance of our wake word.

My Mark II doesn't respond to basic queries like "what time is it" - what do I do?

If your Mark II is waking up to take your query but not responding correctly, it may be misunderstanding your speech. One way to check this is to pull down the menu from the top of the screen and select "Microphone". This screen will show you what is happening with the audio input of your device. If you wake the device and speak an utterance, the text returned from our speech recognition service will be displayed at the top of the screen.

Whether it is the speech recognition service incorrectly transcribing your speech, or the intent service not processing that utterance correctly, it is very helpful for us to hear about any issues you are having. Please contact us via our Support portal.

Last updated