Home Assistant

Users of Home Assistant can use the Mark II to interact with their smart home devices by voice.

What is Home Assistant?

Home Assistant is open source home automation software that puts local control and privacy first. It is powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. It can be run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server.

Paired with the Mycroft Mark II, you can control your lights, garage door, thermostats and more using your voice!

Currently the following entity types are supported: light, switch, scene, climate, groups, input_boolean, binary_sensor, cover and camera


Before you can use Home Assistant through your Mark II, we first need to allow Mycroft to authenticate with your Home Assistant server.

First, you need to create a Long-Lived Access Token. You can do this on the user profile page of your Home Assistant server. For example http://my-home-assistant:8123/profile

Now head to your Mycroft Skill Settings at: https://home.mycroft.ai/skills

Find the Home Assistant Skill in the list and enter your Home Assistant IP address, the Long Lived Access Token, and the port number if this is not the default (8123).

Be sure to hit save, and then wait a minute or two to ensure the settings have been applied to your Mark II.

Example Commands

Hey Mycroft, Turn on office light

Hey Mycroft, Turn off bedroom lights

Hey Mycroft, What is the temperature of thermostat bedroom

Hey Mycroft, Open the living room blinds

Hey Mycroft, Close the garage door

Hey Mycroft, What is the state of power plug bedroom

Hey Mycroft, Has water sensor detected moisture

Last updated