Basic Commands

Now that your Mycroft Mark II is set up, try asking it a few questions, or giving it some commands. The Mark II comes with the following Skills pre-installed.


Manages a collection of alarms.

Set an alarm

Hey Mycroft, set an alarm for two hours Hey Mycroft, set an alarm for 3pm Hey Mycroft, wake me in two hours Hey Mycroft, wake me up at 10:23pm

Snooze the active alarm

Hey Mycroft, snooze <- - - - - Defaults to 9 minutes Hey Mycroft, snooze for 15 minutes Hey Mycroft, give me 2 more hours


Hey Mycroft, stop the alarm Hey Mycroft, delete the Tuesday alarm for 9 Hey Mycroft, remove all alarms

Query alarms

Hey Mycroft, when is the next alarm? Hey Mycroft, what are the alarms for today?

Date & Time

Mycroft answers inquiries about Dates (specific dates, relative dates, holidays, leap year, weekends, etc.) and Time (future or current, local or other location). Mycroft's response to a Date inquiry attempts to supply the 'missing information' and selectively includes: day-of-week, the calendar date, and the quantity of days from now. When answering inquiries about Time, Mycroft may optionally take advantage of the display on the enclosure.

Query current time (in location)

Hey Mycroft, the time now please Hey Mycroft, what time is it in Paris?

Query future time (in location)

Hey Mycroft, what time will it be in 2 hours? Hey Mycroft, tell me the time 6 hours from now in Paris?

Query next leap year

Hey Mycroft, when is the next leap year?

Query a specific date

Hey Mycroft, when is July 1st?

Query a relative date

Hey Mycroft, what is today's date? Hey Mycroft, what is today? Hey Mycroft, what is 6 days from now? Hey Mycroft, what is next Friday?

Query weekend dates

Hey Mycroft, what was last weekend? Hey Mycroft, what were the days last weekend? Hey Mycroft, what are the dates this weekend? Hey Mycroft, what are the days for next weekend?

IP Address

Query the IP Address (aka the network address) of the Mycroft Device.

Query the IP address

Hey Mycroft, what is your IP address? Hey Mycroft, tell me your network address Hey Mycroft, what network are you connected to?


Play local music files.

Mycroft Jukebox can play any common audio file (mp3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, WAV, etc.) which is located on any drive mounted to your Mycroft device.

Files do not have to be placed in any particular directory; this skill will find them automatically. Nor do they need not be organized in any particular way. The Jukebox Skill searches for audio files to play based on their metadata, not directory structures or file names. Most music files in the wild already have metadata for things like artist, track name, album, etc. Jukebox will search each of these for matches based on your command.

Currently, we do not recommend using Jukebox with local STT turned on.

Mycroft Jukebox is an interface to the Music Player Daemon (MPD).


Hey Mycroft, play The Beatles

Hey Mycroft, play Here Comes the Sun

Hey Mycroft, pause music

Hey Mycroft, resume


Plays the latest news bulletin for the requested station. If no station is specified or if the request is unknown, a default station is selected based on Device location. Stations include: AP, BBC, CBC, DLF, Ekot, FOX, GPB, NPR, PBS, RDP, RNE, TSF, OE3, VRT, WDR, YLE.

Play the news

Hey Mycroft, what's the news? Hey Mycroft, play the BBC news Hey Mycroft, what are the headlines?

Restart the broadcast

Hey Mycroft, restart the news

Stop playing the news

Hey Mycroft, stop


Play internet radio stations from around the world.

Play a specific genre

Hey Mycroft, play jazz

Hey Mycroft, play classic rock radio

Change the station within the current genre

Hey Mycroft, change station

Hey Mycroft, next station

Hey Mycroft, previous station

Play a random genre

  • Hey Mycroft, play the radio

  • Hey Mycroft, listen to the radio

Stop the Radio

  • Hey Mycroft, pause

  • Hey Mycroft, stop the radio

Resume last station played

  • Hey Mycroft, resume


Tell Mycroft to STOP doing whatever it is doing. Should work with all Skills.

Hey Mycroft, stop Hey Mycroft, silence Hey Mycroft, shut up


Manages a collection of timers. Timers are requested with a duration expressed in hours, minutes, and/or seconds. A timer may optionally be given a name. The name is useful in queries, subsequent commands, and for display purposes. All timers beep.

  • If you wish to command a specific expiration time (e.g. 'at 3:05pm'), please use either an Alarm or a Reminder.

  • Timers have a duration of less than 24-hours. When a Timer is requested with a duration greater than 24-hours, an Alarm is set instead.

  • Mycroft refers to a timer by it's original duration and the optional User supplied name.

  • When there is more than one timer with the same duration, Mycroft may include an ordinal (e.g. the second timer for 5-minutes).

  • The User may refer to an individual timer by its name or by the ordinal of its position in the list of timers (e.g. the third timer).

Start a timer

Hey Mycroft, I need a timer named turkey for 15 minutes Hey Mycroft, start a 10-minute timer called time to go Hey Mycroft, set a timer to take out the trash <- - - Mycroft will ask for the DURATION Hey Mycroft, ping me in 2 hours <- - - - - - - - - No NAME is associated with this timer Hey Mycroft, Start a timer <- - - - - - - - Mycroft will ask for the DURATION but not a NAME Hey Mycroft, Begin timer

Query a timer

Hey Mycroft, how's my turkey timer? Hey Mycroft, how much time is left?

Cancel the beeping timer

Hey Mycroft, cancel the timer

Cancel a timer in the list of timers

Hey Mycroft, cancel the first timer Hey Mycroft, delete the fourth timer Hey Mycroft, remove the potatoes timer Hey Mycroft, kill the turkey timer

Cancel all timers

When no timers are beeping, this command removes all timers from the list. If any timers are beeping, this command stops all of the beeping timers.

Hey Mycroft, cancel all timers Hey Mycroft, delete all timers

Mute timer

Muting stops the beep but leaves the timer in the list so that expired timers can be displayed.

Hey Mycroft, mute the timer Hey Mycroft, silence the timer


Manages Mycroft's volume level.

Query volume level

Hey Mycroft, what is the volume? Hey Mycroft, how loud?

Set volume to a numeric level (0 to 10)

In a tribute to Spinal Tap, a level of '11' is accepted (equivalent to level 10).

Hey Mycroft, increase volume to 8 Hey Mycroft, set sound to NORMAL <- - - Keyword options: NORMAL=6, QUIET=3, LOUD=9

Set volume to a percentage (0 to 100%)

Hey Mycroft, set audio to 75 percent Hey Mycroft, decrease volume to 50 percent

Set to maximum volume

Hey Mycroft, crank it all the way up Hey Mycroft, set audio to max

Increase volume by one numeric level

Hey Mycroft, raise the sound Hey Mycroft, make it higher Hey Mycroft, louder

Decrease volume by one numeric level

Hey Mycroft, lower the sound Hey Mycroft, make it quieter Hey Mycroft, softer


Hey Mycroft, mute the volume Hey Mycroft, silence the audio


Hey Mycroft, unmute the speaker Hey Mycroft, restore the sound


An interface to that supports an extensive set of queries.

Hey Mycroft, what is the weather? Hey Mycroft, what is the forecast tomorrow? Hey Mycroft, what is the weather going to be like Tuesday? Hey Mycroft, what is the weather in Houston? Hey Mycroft, when will it rain next? Hey Mycroft, how windy is it? Hey Mycroft, what's the humidity? Hey Mycroft, is it going to snow? Hey Mycroft, what's the temperature?

General Query

Sent to all fallback Common Query search engines.

Hey Mycroft, what is Frankenstein? Hey Mycroft, who is Kathryn Johnson? Hey Mycroft, how high is Mount Everest? Hey Mycroft, how many inches in a meter?

Last updated