Mycroft Software

The Mark II ships with Mycroft’s Dinkum software installed on the included 16GB USB 3.0 drive.

Dinkum is a stable version of Mycroft's software that features a set of Essential Skills that cover all of the basics of a home voice assistant. Only basic computer and web skills are needed to get Mark II set up on WiFi and paired with Mycroft Servers.

This version does require an internet connection for use, but handles a lot of functionality offline and always preserves privacy when using the internet for speech processing and getting information such as weather forecasts. Mycroft does not save any data from voice interactions.

Currently Dinkum does not support installing new Skills by voice. If you're an existing Mycroft user looking to use a broader range of existing Skills, you may be interested to try the Mycroft Classic Core Sandbox image.

Update Channels

The default Dinkum image provides 3 update channels to choose from. You can change between these channels from your Device settings.

If you want to start fresh, you can jump directly on any of the channels by downloading the corresponding image and flashing that to your USB drive.

  • LTS (Long Term Support) is the most stable channel, however it is also the slowest to get new features.

  • Stable is the default channel for new devices. You will receive regular updates that have been beta tested by the community.

  • Beta is a mostly stable option that has passed internal quality assurance processes, however new bugs can slip through. By selecting this channel you receive the latest updates as soon as they're available, and help us to improve the software for all.

Sandbox Images

For more advanced users, there are a range of Mycroft Sandbox downloadable images. These allow voice developers and tech enthusiasts to burn an image to either the included 16GB USB drive or a user provided drive for experimentation and development.

Last updated